
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Week 4 answers THE REAL SCOOP


I hope you enjoyed answering the questions last week! Here are the answers to The Real Scoop.

Step 1: 6 - 4 = ; 2 Scoops left

Step 2: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 or 8 x 2 ; 16 scoops total

Step 3: 13 - 7 =; 6 minutes left

Step 5: First: 1/5 of 30 = ? Next: 30 - 6 = ; OR 30 - (1/5 of 30); 24 pointy cones

Step 6: (half your friends can hold 1 cone and half can hold 2, how many friends do you need to hold the pointy cones while you scoop the flat-bottomed ones?)
You need 16 friends: 8 of them will hold 8 cones, and 8 will hold 16 in total. 8 + 16 = 24 pointy cones that need to be held

Have you had some yummy ice cream or iced cream this summer? 

Send your story and/or photos to Mrs. Milton at

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