
Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 6 - August 11 - Give Me A Sign

Norwood Public Schools - Summer Math 2014

Week 6 - August 11


Billboards are those big rectangular signs along the side of the highway, usually trying to talk you into buying something.  Since they’re a good 50 feet above you, these signs are even bigger than they look – they’re 20, 30, or even over 40 feet wide. The size depends on the speed of the traffic: the faster you’re driving, the easier it has to be for people to read it, so the bigger the letters and pictures need to be. The signs along slower streets in town, called “posters,” are 22 feet wide, but the big “bulletins” along the highway are up to 48 feet wide. Now we have digital billboards that light up like a computer screen and change the picture every few seconds, showing drivers even more things they should buy. Either one works, as long as we read it quickly: the more important thing as a driver is to keep your eyes on the road.

bulletin billboard advertising
bulletin billboard advertising
  • Bulletins - (14' high x 48' wide, 10.5' high x 36' wide, or similar sizes) large format displays usually located on highways, expressways, or major surface streets
poster billboard advertising
poster billboard advertising
  • Posters (30 sheet, 8 sheet, & Premier Panels) - medium format (10' high x 22' wide or 5' high x 11' wide) that are more locally focused on primary and secondary roadways. Posters have a "local" presence and can target demographic or geographic target very effectively.  
wallscape billboard advertising
wallscape billboard advertising
  • Wallscapes - (over 700 sq feet) very large format outdoor advertising that is usually in metropolitan area or a landmark location for extended viewing. Wallscapes are generally the signature piece in an outdoor campaign and create a lasting impression
digital billboard advertising
digital billboard advertising
  • Digital Billboards (14' high x 48'wide, 10.5' high x 36' wide, or similar sizes). Digital billboards are a broadcast type of media for outdoor allowing advertisers to target their audience and flexibility. 
Jill Milton
A note from Mrs. Milton:

Let's try out some math problems. Remember to continue to answer questions and complete tasks until you need adult assistance or you reach the end of your comfort zone. You may reach step 2, for some step 5 and for others you may go all the way. Each problem will present different challenges for each child.

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